
Custom Artistic modeling Signs





Shashi Tharoor or Manish Tewari are obvious choices except the two have fallen from grace after they signed the famous pro-change letter to Sonia Gandhi.Manan is close to Chowdhury and the latter is apparently keen on taking up this post which has been lying vacant after the last incumbent Somen Mitra’s death. Plus, there is no scope for any follow-up questions. It is an acknowledged fact that the list of voters comprises handpicked workers and supporters of office bearers whose contribution to the party is suspect.

Anar Patels political forayThe Gujarat unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party is getting worried as Anar Patel, the high-profile daughter of former chief minister and Uttar Pradesh governor Anandiben Patel, has become politically active and is said to be eyeing a seat in one of the  Gandhinagar Assembly constituencies.West Bengal Congress.

The letter by Abdul Manan, leader of Opposition in West Bengal Assembly, to Sonia Gandhi demanding that senior leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury be appointed president of West Bengal Congress, is being interpreted in party circles as a done deal.She was in the eye of a storm following media reports that her business partners were allotted land at a throwaway price for the construction of a holiday resort. In fact, Anar’s role was cited as a major reason for Anandiben’s removal as chief minister.There is considerable speculation about how the letter writers or pro-changers, as they are often called, will continue to push for the much-needed reforms in the party.An entrepreneur by profession, Anar Patel joined the BJP a couple of years ago and had tried for a ticket in the 2017 Assembly elections but failed to make the cut.

This has predictably invited a backlash from dog lovers like Maneka Gandhi. But this has changed. This has naturally upset the beat reporters but none can afford to complain for fear of being ostracized by the ministry. But a discussion on the subject continues to rage.It has been more than ten days since the eventful meeting of the Congress Working Committee where its members hit out at their colleagues for writing a letter to Sonia Gandhi seeking far-reaching changes in the party organization. This move serves a double purpose. Take the case of the ministry of external affairs. Though the next Assembly election is due only after two years, BJP insiders maintain Anar Patel has started preparing for it by meeting party workers and voters of the area.. To begin with, this group is waiting for the promised session of the All-India Congress Committee for the election of the next party president. Journalists are now required to send their questions in advance.

The party needs a strongman like Chowdhury in election-bound West Bengal and, at the same time, it will pave the way for replacing him as the party’s Lok Sabha leader.They are also upset with residents who do not feed the dogs at designated spots and don’t bother to sterilize them.Maneka Gandhi writes to RWAsManeka Gandhi (who was once called the kutta billi minister when she headed the environment ministry) may no longer be in the government but she is keeping herself busy dashing off letters to resident welfare associations in the Capital on her favourite subject - stray dogs.

This has not gone down well with the local party leaders, especially the sitting MLAs.Her letters have pointed out that it is illegal to relocate dogs and that irrational phobias should not be entertained and gone on to draw attention to specific laws on strays and that punishments for breaking the law go up to three years wholesale aluminum signs and fines. These physical press briefings were discontinued when the lockdown was announced and replaced by virtual press conferences.

Very often, a whole lot are bunched together while inconvenient queries are ignored. Anar Patel had courted  controversy when her mother was chief minister.However, it is not clear if the publication of this list will actually help the letter writers as it will not be easy to detect bogus voters.

The problem of stray dogs has been a subject of an animated debate in recent weeks as many residents from across the city have complained about it following increasing cases of  dog bites.Before that, they plan to seek the publication of the names of members who are entitled to vote for the party president to be able to peruse it in advance.When the new system was first put in place, media persons were given the option of asking their questions during the virtual briefing.Coronavirus press conferencesThe coronavirus pandemic has come in handy for the Modi government to control the flow of information to the media.The ministry earlier held regular briefings where the official spokesperson responded to queries from press persons on the beat. Emerging as a parallel power centre, she was wooed and sought by party workers, industrialists and others.But the question is: who is best suited for the job


”They are also learnt to have pointed out that the CWC is not "guiding" the party effectively in mobilizing public opinion against the BJP.The letter in question has also stressed collective decision-making with Gandhi family as its “integral part.New Delhi: Ahead of the Congress Working Committee meeting on Monday, different voices have emerged within the party with one section comprising sitting MPs and former ministers demanding collective leadership, while another group has sought the return of Rahul Gandhi to the helm.

These leaders have called for bringing changes in the organization by effecting reforms through decentralisation of power and empowerment of state units besides setting up of the central Parliamentary Board, a body that existed in the party in the 1970s but was later wound up..“In view of existing conditions any further delay in promoting Rahul Gandhi as AICC president can cause incalculable harm to the progress of Congress Party and can be dispiriting to the Congress family,” Reddy said in the letter.Among leaders learnt to have signed the letter are Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad, deputy leader of Congress in Rajya Sabha Anand Sharma, former chief ministers Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Prithviraj Chavan and Rajinder Kaur Bhattal, besides ex ministers Mukul Wasnik, Kapil Sibal, M Veerappa Moily, Shashi Tharoor, MP Manish Tewari, and former MPs Milind Deora, Jitin Prasada and Sandeep Dixit.These leaders argued that in the absence of a direct dialogue with the Congress chief over strengthening of the party, revival of the party has become imperative in the interest of democracy in the country.

The letter by former ministers and some MPs was believed to have been written a few weeks ago and sets the stage for a stormy CWC meeting where issues flagged by dissenters are expected to be discussed and debated."This major decision, taken at the earliest possible, can create a launching pad for further creative action and get us all prepared for any eventuality.

They signatories are also said to include former party unit chiefs including Raj Babbar, Arvinder Singh Lovely, Kaul Singh Thakur besides leaders Akhilesh Prasad Singh and Kuldeep Sharma.While most of the leaders who have written the letter did not answer calls on Sunday, some who answered remained tight-lipped on the issue having set the stage for a CWC debate on the need for a Gandhi vis-à-vis a non Gandhi Congress President.

”In a letter to the CWC on Sunday, Challa Reddy said any delay in Rahuls reinstatement would be at the cost of the Congress.While two dozen Congress leaders including some ex ministers have written to party president Sonia Gandhi for overhaul of the organizational structure and changes to the leadership, some leaders close to Rahul have also written to the CWC pressing for the Gandhi scions return as chief.

He said, “On behalf of millions of Congress workers and sympathizers I would like to take this opportunity to refer to an important pressing matter to the committee.”They have also called for the appointment of a full-time leadership which is active and which can be easily contacted by workers and leaders.“Gandhis are the symbol of sacrifice.A counter to the pro reform lobby arguing for collective leadership in the Congress has also begun with sitting MP Manickam Tagore calling for Rahul Gandhis return as party president. Decision by Congress CWC was a majority decision reflecting the will of 1100 AICC, 8800 PCC members, five crore workers and 12 crore supporters who want Rahul Gandhi as their leader,” Tagore said, referring to the 2019 decision of the CWC to name Sonia Gandhi as party president after Rahul declined to accept a unanimous CWC appeal to stay in the post.

We have been eagerly waiting for this CWC meeting to happen and for a positive decision to be taken to promote Rahul Gandhi as AICC president".While the younger leaders in the Congress are expected to chalk out a strategy to push for Rahuls return to the helm, the leaders who earlier petitioned to Sonia Gandhi have called for contacting and winning back all those Congressmen who have quit the party and joined the BJP and expressed concerns over rank and file getting demoralised due to the “drift in the party.Apart from Tagore, Challa Vamshi Chand Reddy, ex Telangana lawmaker and AICC secretary in charge of Maharashtra has also asked for the promotion of Rahul Gandhi as Congress President “without any further delay. Rahul Gandhi is the only leader who can animate both seniors and youngsters, unite Wayfinding signage Suppliers their energies, direct their vigour and inventiveness to bring the past glory to Congress,” he said. The pro reform leaders are further learnt to have called for free and fair organizational polls from the block up to the working committee level


What are the application fields and application notes of Illuminated sign?

1. Application field
Warnings, prohibitions, instructions, and directions for urban roads; traffic signs for road exits on expressways, bend alignment signs, and contour signs; warning signs for rural roads; shopping malls, etc.

2. Application Notes

(1) Polycrystalline silicon or monocrystalline silicon plate converts the heat generated by the sun into electric energy. Therefore, in use, it is necessary to ensure that the crystalline silicon board is fully exposed to the sun as much as possible. What can be done is: facing south, do not install it under trees or high-rise buildings to avoid shading within three hours before and after noon, and add a sun patrol system.
(2) The surface of the solar panel needs to be directly irradiated by sunlight to generate heat. Therefore, to keep the surface clean during use, what can be done is to wash itself with rainwater at an angle of 45 degrees toward the south, and wipe it from time to time to remove dust and bird droppings.
(3) Electronic connectors such as chips and integrated circuits in the product will loosen and fall off quickly if exposed to long-term vibration. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid installation on the edge of the beam wall of the bridge as much as possible, and measures to reduce bridge co-shock should be taken when installation is necessary.
(4) The power switch and light control switch are usually set before the product leaves the factory. Therefore, when installing and using, first turn on the power switch, and at the same time cover the photodiode or solar panel on the edge of the control box, so that you can test whether the light is working normally.
(5) During installation and use, if the wire heads, connectors, etc. are found to be loose, the glue stick can be sealed firmly.
(6) Avoid scratches or damage to the LED tube, optical lens, and sign board. The battery should not be left unused for a long time. If it is left unused for more than 3 months, it is recommended to use it fully.